Wednesday, December 23, 2020

2020 Favorite Things

 As 2020 comes to a close, many of us are ready to wish it good riddance, others aren’t so optimistic about 2021, but one thing is for sure.  This journey has not been without some good.  Sure there is lots to lament, but as we get to the end of this year, I think about the extra time that we have had at home with our kids.  We as a family have been able to grapple together through difficult news stories, process losses and sadness, and built new habits in the spaces where we may have been sprinting to and fro before.


A recurring theme has shown up this year has been joy in suffering.  As we have read the stories of scripture, we are reminded that we are not the first generation to suffer, we are not the first people to feel lonely.  In the midst of famines, wars, enslavement, bitterness, and sorrow, the Word of God repeats that God is faithful, God has not left his people, and the God who saved Israel from Egypt is the God who fulfilled His promises to Abraham and Sarah and is the same God who brought Jesus to life after the crucifixion.  We are assured that that same power that resurrected Jesus gives us life today.  It is because we are constantly reminded of the faithfulness of God to rescue and be present in the most trying of situations that we can experience that same joy today in our difficulties.  


Through 2020 our family enjoyed a number of tools that I’d like to offer to you:

·      Youversion Bible App- Carmen and I used “The Bible Recap” 1 year plan, and as we have journeyed through Advent with the youth and young adults we have enjoyed “BibleProject Advent Reflections”.  I have also used the verse of the day stories for a quick encouragement and devotional reading.  For teens and tweens, there are kids reading plans they can share with friends, when isolation is setting in, a great social alternative is reading scripture together.

·      Phyllis Tickle Divine Hours for regular prayer.  You can get these daily prayers for free online at  I have worked to translate these into more kid friendly language, send me a message if you’d like a copy.  

·      Every Moment Holy- prayer book.  Offering scripturally ground prayers for the moments you might not readily think about praying for.  I particularly liked their prayers for the first cup of coffee and for a student starting a school day.  You can get some of their prayers for free or order at .

·      The NLT One Year Bible.  Actual scripture with some devotional thoughts with some redactions to make it readable for a preteen.  

·      The One Year Children’s Bible is great for younger kids.  Whether you read it together or they read it themselves, this covers the whole of scripture in a format (and with pictures) that kids can grasp.

·      Finally, the D6 app you can get at gives great application to the lessons kids are learning in Sunday School each week, plus we love the discussion questions at dinner.


None of this is to heap guilt or a feeling of not doing enough, and we don’t use all of these things at once, just want to offer tools that we have found helpful to connect with each other and with God to find joy through this season.  These habits we build now in the lives of our children will remind them of God’s faithfulness throughout their lifetime and prayerfully will span generations.


Let us rejoice!  A savior has been born and through him we can experience new life, not just in 2021, but every day as we walk with Jesus.  I’m praying for you and am available anytime you have questions or even suggestions about resources you’ve found helpful to your family!

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