Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Harnessing your spiritual influence

What is a baked potato without a steak? French fries without a juicy hamburger? Salad dressing without a salad (for those healthy eaters)? It is incomplete and somehow lacking. The same goes for the spiritual teaching in our teenager’s life if we as parents don’t become actively involved. The youth ministry was never intended to be the sole source of spiritual training.

Ask yourself this question. Who do I depend on to teach my teenager the precepts of God? This question is often easy to answer but very hard to admit. You don’t need a degree in theology to have confidence in teaching your teenager about who God is and what you believe. You just need His confidence. It’s called God-confidence.
I encourage you to watch this month’s video regarding your role vs. the role of your youth ministry in the spiritual education of your teen. It will give you a good idea on how to become involved: http://vimeo.com/parentministry/review/62786302/51734c2974

I am excited as this new school year starts to work with you, resource you, and encourage you to lead your teens in this faith journey.  I am available any time you might need help, prayer, or a listening ear.  This is just the beginning of good resources we will be sending throughout the year.  

Sibling Rivalry

Have you ever heard that silence can be loud?  It’s that very loud, very obvious absence of sound after your teenager has just had another argument with their sibling and stomped off in the other direction.  Does it ever stop?  Do they really love each other?  We will be discussing sibling rivalry in this entry and what you, as the parent, can do to foster relationship between your teen and their sibling(s).
Please take a moment and watch this 3 minute and  47 second video that may help give you some idea as to what is going on in their heads.https://vimeo.com/parentministry/review/60761630/c5128ceae7
This isn’t an easy issue by a stretch.  We are dealing with unique individuals with specific ideas that haven’t learned yet that the idea they are holding so tightly to very possibly could be flawed.  This might actually come as a surprise to your teen.  Teenagers react very passionately to perceived injustices.
It reminds me of Luke 9 when Jesus was speaking to His disciples after His transfiguration.  It should have been one of the most spiritually encouraging events for his disciples but somehow it ended up in an argument about who had more importance to Jesus among the Twelve.  Sibling rivalry.  All Jesus had to say was, “Whoever is least among you, this one is the greatest.”
We have to teach our teens that it’s about others.  But first our actions will be much louder than our words!

The Power of an Apology

Teenagers learn by watching their parent’s example more than anything else. There is no better way to teach your teenager important life skills than to model them each day.  One of the life skills that marks maturity the most is when your teenager learns to accept responsibility for what they have done.
Please take 3 minutes and 18 seconds and watch this video that gives a clear example of how you can help your teenager learn this important life skill. http://vimeo.com/parentministry/review/58729615/5464b55bdd
In Jesus’ first public sermon recorded in Matthew 5 there is a hidden gem that might be easily missed.  It is nestled between two scandalous statements about murder and lawsuits. You might skim past it if you’re not looking for it.
In Matthew 5: 23-24 Jesus said that if you come to worship to leave an offering and are reminded of a conflict against a friend, go seek reconciliation with urgency. Then return to the altar and offer the gift of worship.
My question for you today is how could you live the truth of that Scripture today in your home?
Here are some thoughts to get you started answering that question:
  • Forgiveness Matters- Jesus prioritized forgiveness and reconciliation in this passage. It is essential to healthy relationships and families.
  • Don’t Wait- There is a sense of urgency in this passage. Jesus placed importance on pursuing reconciliation quickly.
  • Forgiveness Unleashes Worship- After reconciliation takes place there is an invitation to return to worship God in freedom.

Here are some quick questions to end with today:
  • Is there conflict in your home that you are concerned about right now?
  • Are you seeking reconciliation with urgency?
  • Are you prioritizing forgiveness in your relationships?
  • Would your teenager say that your home is a place of grace?
  • Let Jesus’ words inspire you today to experience peace in your home and pursue reconciliation in your family.
Feel free to share with me your thoughts about this online parenting class. I look forward to connecting with you next month.Our student ministry has your back in this parenting adventure. If you need someone to talk to, pray with, or someone to just listen please let us know.